

Collaborate with Us!

Hello friends! We always love to collaborate with like-minded, like-visioned people who are a great fit with our brand and mission. We are interested in new and creative ways to collaborate with companies, influencers, and individuals to create exciting opportunities to grow our community and fulfill our mission. We also love to see other small businesses grow and flourish!

Tell us why:

1. Send an email to with "Collaboration" and your business name, website or Instagram handle in the subject line.

2. In your email, give us some brief information about your company (name, location, Instagram, website) why you have chosen Fastfive, and what ideas you may have for a collaboration with us. 

3. Tell us why you think our companies are a fit for each other and how we can both benefit from the collaboration.

4. If you know, also give us an idea of timeline for collaboration so we can check our schedule and see where potential openings are. 

Thank you!